Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Organic Menu

I will be posting my "organic and all natural" menu starting today.  It will be on my right tool bar and will showcase me "trying" to get my family on the right track!  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE feel free to ask me a question or leave a comment about how or what you are doing to make changes in your home or kitchen.  It must be making an impression around our home because my daughter asked me if we could start a recycle bin on our back porch for glass, paper, plastic, etc. I am SO proud of her and told her we would get on it this weekend and either purchase garbage cans and label them or actual bins.  I of couse want to make it look "cottage'y" ha! 
I wanted to post a picture that went with "organic" living and all I could come up with is this one.
Aren't these people worth it? I think so!
*TIP: Find some Organic Living Websites or Blogs to help you with ideas. DO NOT let the price of organic things discourage you. I now stay ALMOST completely out of the middle section of the store and my grocery bill is LOWER.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie! Good for you for going organic! My hubby and I began the "change-over" at the beginning of the year with our fruits and veggies, then eggs, and this week we started with our milk products...loving it! I have been enjoying many blog sites having to do with organic living...good luck to you!
    Lena Medina


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