Sunday, March 29, 2009

So the Lion fell in love with the Lamb!

March 29, 1997 Lance Victor Jackson told Julie Meranda Brinkman that he would love her forever and cherish her always. He has not only kept his promise but he loves me so much that I could not ask for more. I love Lance more than anything in this world. He truly makes me whole and lets me be me. He doesn't try to change me or ask me to be something I am not. He loves me with all his heart and more. Lance would get the moon for me if I asked. He truly does have my heart. Happy 12th Anniversary Baby! You are the most amazing, strong, intelligent and sexiest man I have ever met!
Love always, Your Julie
*Side note, Lance got up this morning and gave me roses, a beautiful card and went and got my favorite breakfast (Kolaches from Nita's) and he took Cash fishing so I could have the morning to myself (Tay is out of town). He is also re-doing our landscape as my gift this year. It should be done before Easter for our big egg hunt! I can't wait.


  1. Aww girly that made me almost tear up! Congrats on another year and many more! Ya'll are truly perfect for each other!

  2. Y'all are definitely perfect together - that is for sure!! Happy Anniversary!!


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