Friday, February 3, 2012

Confirmation and What it Means

I am very excited that Taylor has completed her confirmation classes and she, Lance and I will be confirmed next Sunday at our church.  This is the next step in our walk with God and becoming Anglican.  We believe that children are Baptized as infants or at any time the parents see fit.  We also believe that children don't have to ask Jesus into their hearts, he is always there, from the beginning.  My children are also blessed with amazing God Parents that love them and will make sure they stay on a Holy Path if anything where to ever happen to us or we lead them astray.  Then as a pre-teen or teenager the child is able to confirm their faith in the Lord when they are able to truly understand God's word fully. My husband and I are being confirmed as adults and we were able to take Bible classes last summer to fully understand our confirmation.

Our church and my journey the past 9 months has been a true blessing to my family and I.  Below are some definitions I found to explain a little better.  I also like to think of our church and anyone's church for that matter like this.  We all believe in the same Christian faith, we just take different paths and steps to get there.

This is Me, Then. 


In baptism, we thank God for his gift of life and publicly acknowledge his love. In the Anglican Church it is common to baptise young children; this is sometimes known as christening.

Baptism is a 'sacrament' (holy ritual to symbolise grace) in the Christian tradition that is traced back to Jesus himself being baptized in the river Jordan.


Confirmation marks the point in the Christian journey where those who have been baptised as children make a firm commitment to Christian discipleship.
Through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop, the Church also asks God to give those being confirmed power, through the Holy Spirit, to live the life of discipleship.

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