Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In the eyes of a boy

"hush, now, I see the light in the sky...
Oh, it's almost blinding me...
I can't believe I've been touched by an angel of love..."

"All in the eyes of a boy"

I signed my baby boy up for Kindergarten today. 
I thought i had it under control, I don't.

I thought I was handling it well, I'm not.

If your volume is down, turn it up and listen to the words of this song by Celine Dion.  My son was a gift sent from heaven and this song kills me everytime.

This is me, then.


  1. Oh honey!! I <3 you! I SO know your pain!!! It gets easier. I am there with Kindergarten ending. I just counted yesterday and there is just over 40 days left until Kinder is over :(

  2. i don't want kinder to end!!! we are so blessed to be able to watch our babies grow.

  3. Thanks for making me cry! :( I don't want my babies growing up!


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